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Wypróbuj także inne domyślne tryby sposobu wyszukiwania w Wikiźródłach (polecamy Tryb przekierowań z dopasowywaniem podfraz). Zobacz jak zmienić.

  • afflux (e′flaks) dopływ. [24] afford (efōr′d ) udzielić; wystarczyć; I can't afford it nie jestem w stanie. affront (efra′nt ) znieważyć; zniewaga. afoot…
    945 bajtów (41 304 słowa) - 15:14, 4 sty 2023
  •   [40]Six of you! — and you can‘t find a coat that I put down not five minutes ago! Well, of all the ——“  Then he‘d get up, and find that he had been…
    2 KB (0 słów) - 11:35, 10 paź 2021
  • and don‘t seem to want them; and young single fellows cry out that they can‘t get them. Poor people who can hardly keep themselves have eight hearty children…
    2 KB (0 słów) - 11:35, 10 paź 2021
  • and knock a man over at two hundred yards.  I was in Liverpool at the time, and my friend said that if I didn‘t mind he would get me to take them back…
    2 KB (0 słów) - 11:35, 10 paź 2021
  • couldn‘t get a Referee for love or money, and had to walk ten miles to get your baccy.  „No,“ said Harris, „if you want rest and change, you can‘t beat a…
    12 KB (463 słowa) - 04:55, 4 gru 2022
  • couldn‘t get a Referee for love or money, and had to walk ten miles to get your baccy.  „No,“ said Harris, „if you want rest and change, you can‘t beat a…
    3 KB (0 słów) - 11:35, 10 paź 2021