W zawiadomieniu o zmianie produktu (PCN) opublikowanym 15 kwietnia firma Zilog (obecnie należąca do Littelfuse) Ogłaszać ...
TechSpot means tech analysis and advice you can trust. Why it matters: Zilog is retiring the Z80 after 48 years on the market. Originally developed as a project stemming from the Intel 8080 ...
Perhaps unsurprisingly, neither Z80-RIO nor PLZ were targeting the regular consumer market when they were brought to market in the late 1970s, but were part of Zilog’s focus on industrial ...
Perhaps unsurprisingly, neither Z80-RIO nor PLZ were targeting the regular consumer market when they were brought to market in the late 1970s, but were part of Zilog’s focus on industrial ...
After a venerable 48-year tenure, Zilog is bidding farewell to the Z80. Initially an offshoot from the Intel 8080 project, this chip ascended to fame as one of the most cherished and extensively ...
Poświęć chwilę, aby obliczyć swój, a następnie kliknij w galerię, aby dowiedzieć się, co to oznacza dla ciebie! Ascendent zależy od wschodniego horyzontu, w określonym miejscu i czasie.
Co ciekawe, ozdoby bożonarodzeniowe mają bogatą historię i... symbolikę! Co oznacza łańcuch znajdujący się na świątecznym drzewku? Choinka to jeden z nieodzownych elementów ...
Horsetalk, after 28 years, has reached the end of the trail. It has been quite a ride. We are grateful to those who have shared their science, informed opinions and advice over the years.
Denver's relatively central location makes it a natural location as a distribution hub for the American West, while also supporting a number of growing industries in technology and ...
The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America. Each year, thousands of ...