W jej ramach w zamian za dobrowolne realizowanie unijnych celów klimatycznych, rolnicy mogą otrzymywać dodatkowe dopłaty z WPR. Są to tzw. ekoschematy. Zielony Ład ma być odpowiedzią na ...
A CHILD genius claims he was born on Mars and was sent to Earth to give humans a chilling message. Boriska Kipriyanovich, now 27, from Volgograd, Russia says he lived on the red planet as a ...
Za setki i tysiące lat jego nazwisko będzie wymieniane obok takich pionierów, jak Krzysztof Kolumb czy Vasco da Gama - nawet pomimo tego, że przecież Musk osobiście na Marsa nie poleci.
Scientists believe Mars may have been habitable for millions of years longer than previously thought. They say the planet could have been home to life before it finally dried out. The surface of ...
Ze zdjęć wydaje mi się, że żółty przewód łączy się z rezystorem 10k (01C), którego drugie wyprowadzenie idzie do L1, czyli do zasilania za ferrytem ... Pooglądaj co z czym się łączy, czy poza ...
On their current trajectory, these boulders may collide with Mars, concluded study co-authors Marco Fenucci of the European Space Agency (ESA), and Albino Carbognani, of the Observatory of ...
NASA is seeking innovative methods that could help retrieve samples collected by the Perseverance rover on Mars in the future ...
"This area of Mars is known to have a wide variety of hydrated minerals spanning a long stretch of Martian history, said Sourabh Shubham, the study's co-author. "A volcanic setting for these ...
It would involve a four-person crew living and working for a year inside a 1,700-square-foot, 3D-printed habitat called the Mars Dune Alpha based at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Na platformie Epic Games Store można odebrać całkiem świeżą, bo wydaną na początku 2023 roku, grę Deliver Us Mars. Jest to sequel wysoko ocenianego Deliver Us the Moon. Źródło fot.
On 14 March, exactly 22 years after the company was founded, SpaceX achieved what is perhaps its most impressive feat yet. Measuring 120 metres tall – 24 metres taller than Big Ben’s tower ...