Sekcja Rytmu Serca Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego przygotowała "Alfabet arytmii" – podręczny słowniczek najważniejszych pojęć z zakresu zaburzeń rytmu serca. czyli zaburzenia rytmu ...
Kolejny obszar, gdzie zaburzenia rytmu bardzo trudno jest leczyć ablacją ... Jednym słowem, w drugą stronę mechanizm dodatkowej opcji farmakoterapii już nie zadziała, co potwierdzają wyniki badań.
Niewiele rzeczy budzi takie emocje, co zmiana czasu ... nawet do zaburzeń rytmu okołodobowego, które objawiają się
Boulder is known for several of its unique traits including its colorful Western history, being one of the most liberal cities in Colorado and home of the main campus of the University of Colorado ...
Denver's relatively central location makes it a natural location as a distribution hub for the American West, while also supporting a number of growing industries in technology and ...
The authors’ study of 87 companies led by co-CEOs showed that those firms tended to generate better returns than did peer companies with a sole CEO. Successful power sharing at the top depends ...
There are so many things to take care of in your final two weeks, you may wonder if it's really necessary to write a goodbye email to your co-workers. After all, the company has announced your ...
BLOOMINGTON, Minnesota — Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA) is launching a rideshare co-operative to replace the tech giants threatening to leave the state. Uber and Lyft vowed to ...
Floyd is the only one of Trump’s 14 remaining co-defendants to spend time behind bars related to the case. He was sent to Fulton County Jail last August after surrendering to authorities without ...
The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America. Each year, thousands of ...