Podam pani taki przykład: We wspomnieniach Ireny Krzywickiej, wieloletniej partnerki Boya-Żeleńskiego, Zofia Żeleńska ... człowiekiem czuje się nieszczęśliwa. To, co niedopowiedziane, często znaczy ...
Greckie imię Zofia znaczy tyle, co „mądrość”. Posiadamy wiele żywotów św. Zofii w różnych językach, co świadczy, jak bardzo kult jej był powszechny. Są to jednak żywoty bardzo późne, pochodzące z ...
Robj (Co.) was a popular French ceramics manufacturing company. Its figurines were characterized by their stylized and humorous Art Deco features, often depicting caricatures of musicians, sailors, or ...
Love isn't the only thing that's blind at Netflix. Touting a blockbuster 9.3 million added subscribers in its first quarter earnings report Thursday, the streaming giant also revealed that it ...
Uzyskaliśmy wszystko, co w obecnej sytuacji można było uzyskać ... Ich wszystkich można na palcach policzyć, a poza tym Staszek Kowalczyk, nasz minister spraw wewnętrznych, członek ...
NEVADA — Iowa farmers told a federal trade leader this weekend that the agency should block the $3.6 billion sale of the Iowa Fertilizer Co. to Koch Industries, saying it will further ...
Dr. David Kowalczyk, MD works in Englewood, CO as an Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose & Throat) Specialist and has 11 years experience. They are board certified in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery ...
They are willing to sacrifice space in their individual units as long as these options are available, and their apartment buildings also offer appealing co-working and co-living spaces ideally ...
The 'Enjoy Slow' campaign motivates people to drink slowly and moderately, with Captain Morgan stating that responsible drinking is celebratory and should be a social and cultural norm. Statistics ...
Colorado Springs' culture and economy are heavily influenced by the military with a significant number of defense corporations and bases located within the area. The city is home to Fort Carson ...
AN appeal to give a young Hampshire girl a new lease of life has almost hit its target. Now the final push is on to help little Zofia Bichler’s dream come true. Disabled children’s charity ...