Cookies zulassen Mehr Infos Ein 88-jähriger Schweizer ist am Samstagabend im Hauptbahnhof Zürich von einem 31-jährigen Marokkaner unvermittelt attackiert worden. Das Opfer erlitt gemäss ...
At the top of the list then is Zürich Hauptbahnhof - located in Switzerland. Bounce, a luggage storage app, conducted the study which placed the station at the top of its rundown which analysed ...
Die Nachfrage nach Büro- und Co-Working-Flächen sei gross. «Auch die Hotellerie, das Convention Center, Angebote rund um das Thema Gesundheit und die Gastronomie werden rege genutzt und ...
Former President Donald Trump's media business is suing two of its co-founders, who were also contestants on Trump's reality show "The Apprentice," alleging that they mismanaged the business and ...
A woman has revealed her male co-worker’s shocking response after announcing she was pregnant. In a viral video posted to TikTok, user Martha Rosey (@martharoseyy) highlighted the difficulties ...
Ostern steht vor der Tür! Kurz vor den Feiertagen decken sich viele Menschen in NRW noch mit Lebensmitteln bei Aldi, Lidl und Co. ein. Doch was ist, wenn ich etwas Wichtiges vergessen habe?
The actor is teaming up with co-scribes Ben and Max Berkowitz and artist Ariel Olivetti on the Dark Horse mini-series. By Borys Kit Senior Film Writer Some years ago, Josh Gad received an out of ...
Judge Aileen Cannon heard arguments from Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira. The judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's classified documents case heard arguments Friday from Trump's co ...
Ein 88-jähriger Schweizer ist am Samstagabend im Hauptbahnhof Zürich von einem 31-jährigen Marokkaner unvermittelt attackiert worden. Das Opfer erlitt gemäss Polizei schwere Kopfverletzungen ...