Leonardo da Vinci's map of Imola is a remarkable historical artifact as well as a symbol of the innovative developments in cartography during the Renaissance. Created for Cesare ...
Simonetta Stefanelli (Lucrezia Borgia)Massimo Foschi (Cesare Borgia)Ettore Manni (Rodrigo Borgia - Papa Alessandro VI)Anna Orso (Giovanna Cattanei aka Vannozza)Paolo Malco (Juan de Candia Borgia ...
Lucrezia's father was the infamous Rodrigo Borgia (a.k.a. Pope Alexander VI), and her brother the even more infamous Cesare Borgia. Before she reached her teen years, Lucrezia had twice—through ...
Ubisoft has a ton of AC projects in the works, and though it might seem like the odd one out, Assassin's Creed Invictus could ...
Her opponents were the great princes of Renaissance Italy, pope, dukes, and counts, and most notably her personal nemesis the utterly ruthless Cesare Borgia. The illegitimate daughter of Duke Galeazzo ...
Haytham Kenway attempted to kill his own son and murdered countless innocents, leaving him steeped in darkness and making his assassination satisfying. Gamilat encouraged the Romans to attack ...
Francesca Bertini (Lucrezia Borgia)Maria Caserini Maria Jacobini Vittoria Lepanto Giovanni Pezzinga (Cesare Borgia)Gustavo Serena Achille Vitti Mario Caserini, Gerolamo Lo Savio About the daughter ...
Today, Kisiang’ani is gradually turning into a Cesare Borgia, one of the powerful ones cited in The Prince who loved using the dark power of the state; the bloodshed way and the chopping off of ...
Federico, a virtuous nobleman from an impoverished family, is brought into service by autocrat Cesare Borgia. His promiscuous sister Lucrezia seems to have an amorous interest in Federico and ...
In the early 16th century Italy is ruled by the powerful Borgia family led by Cesare Borgia and his sister Lucrezia In a ruthless power play Cesare plots to have his ...