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Zane Grey. — Co!? — zawołał Riggs, robiąc znaczący ruch ręką. — Nie baw się bronią, bo możesz ją upuścić — ze ... co oznacza, usłyszała tylko uderzenie i strzelba Riggsa padła na ziemię, między grupę Meksykan. — Zranisz jeszcze kogo ...
co oznacza zane grey z books.google.com
Lost in the scorching Sonora Desert, young Kent Wingfield makes an oath to a dying prospector that plunges him into a perilous adventure.
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Tale of a cattleman's plots to eliminate a ranger who isprotecting a herd of deer on his land.
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He was called Nevada, a name he took to lose his past.
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Glenn Killbourne and his fiancee Carley Burch find a strange test of their love in the mountains and canyons of Arizona.
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When he is forced to kill a man after a deadly attack, Buck Duane begins a life on the run while trying to clear his name, and his fortunes are changed by a beautiful woman and a Texas Ranger who offers to pardon him for a price.