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Hiroshima permitiu que o mundo tomasse consciência do catastrófico poder de destruição das armas nucleares. A bomba atômica matou 100 mil pessoas na cidade japonesa de Hiroshima, em agosto de 1945.
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Written by Kikuko (Furuta) Otake, now a retired assistant professor of Japanese in the United States, Masako's story is a collection of prose-poetry, based on the true story of her family's tragedy.
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Summer flowers / by Hara Tamiki -- City of corpses / by Ōta Yōko -- Poems of the atomic bomb / by Tōge Sankichi.
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Tot hij een knappe Japanse ontmoet die hem tot in het diepste van zijn ziel weet te beroeren...Hibakusha is Japans voor 'de overlevenden van de bom'. 1945 is ongetwijfeld het zwartste jaar in de geschiedenis van Japan.
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Black Rain is centered around the story of a young woman who was caught in the radioactive "black rain" that fell after the bombing of Hiroshima. lbuse bases his tale on real-life diaries and interviews with victims of the holocaust; the ...
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Published in Japanese in 1949, Citadel in Spring is, at its heart, an autobiographical novel of the author's life from university through induction into the Imperial Japan Navy, assignment to intelligence service in China, and Japan's final ...
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"This tale is a compelling portrait of war and youth in a wartime Japan far different from the conventional image."--Book jacket.
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Vichi De Marchi si fa portavoce di un’avventura per ragazzi e adulti, reale, dolorosa, penetrante. «Un romanzo commovente e coinvolgente, sullo sfondo di una tragedia da non dimenticare.» - Avvenire