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Cyanidium caldarium (Rhodophyta) and Related Cells Joseph Seckbach. clearly established that two different eukaryotic algae were present in the naturally occurring population of Cyanidium caldarium forma A and C. caldarium forma B. C. ...
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... caldarium population at Roaring Mountain to the conditions of lower water potential . This description of a desiccation resistant population at Roaring Mountain does not invalidate ... caldarium 88 Implications in Distribution of C caldarium.
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The temperature rises sharply, not only in the saunas, when both ladies decide to relax with their obedient but shy assistant. Black Chanterelle is an author shrouded in mystery and a relentless explorer of human desires, dreams and lust.
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... caldarium ( 1 ) of which the enormous brick vaulted ceiling had collapsed , thus destroying the room's marble paved floor and exposing the 1.25 m high hypocaustum system made of round terracotta pillars below . The 1994-1995 campaigns ...
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Identification and Natural History Mark Deyrup. Tetramorium caldarium Roger)—Confusing Yellow Pennant Ant (Plate 62) Taxonomy and Similar Species: Tetramorium caldarium strongly resembles T. simillimum. Roger, who described caldarium in ...
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... caldarium nell'Italia meridionale ed in Sicilia , Delpinoa 14/15 , 49-60 . De Luca , P. and Taddei , R. ( 1972 ) Crescita comparata di due forme di Cyanidium caldarium dei Campi Flegrei ( Napoli ) in presenza di diverse fonti di azoto ...
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... caldarium (Roger) (Plate 143) Tetrogmus caldarius Roger, 1857: 12; worker, queen described. Type locality: GERMANY. Junior synonym of simillimum (Roger, 1862: 297). Revived from synonymy, combined in Tetramorium, and senior synonym of ...
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... caldarium Geitler V. Acid and heat stabilities of soluble proteins. Plant Cell Physiol. 19: 869–876. Enami, I. and Fukuda, I. (1975) Mechanisms of the acido- and thermophily of Cyanidium caldarium Geitler I. Effects of temperature, pH ...
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... caldarium strain RK - 1 , Plant & Cell Physiol . 33 ( 5 ) , 657-661 . Ohta , N. , Suzuki , K. , Kawano , S. and Kuroiwa , T. ( 1993 ) Direct evidence of mitochondrial nuclear division in the ultra - micro alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae ...
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When Eizenfeng's leading wizards combine science with magic, the world changes dramatically.