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... , Instytut Naukowo - Badawczy , and Wydawnictwo Karta , 1995 ) . The publication of the volume thus appears to have represented On the Bowdlerization of a Holocaust Testimony: The Wartime Journal of Calek Perechodnik.
calek perechodnik z books.google.com
This book is the correct version of the original memoir written by Perechodnik (1916-1944) in 1943.
calek perechodnik z books.google.com
... Calek Perechodnik,2 Warsaw, written in spring/summer 1943 (excerpt) How were relations between the Poles and the Jews in 1941? Overall, these relations have deteriorated considerably. On the one hand, the Jews are managing their own ...
calek perechodnik z books.google.com
... Calek Perechodnik, Rymkiewicz performs a characteristic reinterpretation. In an imaginary conversation, he asks his author (Calek Perechodnik) why he did not leave for Palestine, since, as we learn from Calek himself, he considered this ...
calek perechodnik z books.google.com
... Calek Perechodnik First Published: 1993 (the publication is not based on the manuscript but on its changed version, which was retitled as Am I a Murderer?; second edition, “corrected and with additions”: 1995; first complete edition ...
calek perechodnik z books.google.com
Poland's Jewish Past in New Polish Narratives Elżbieta Janicka, Tomasz Żukowski. 32. Calek Perechodnik, Spowiedź. Dzieje rodziny żydowskiej podczas okupacji hitlerowskiej w Polsce [Confession. A History of a Jewish family during Nazi ...
calek perechodnik z books.google.com
Testament Of A Jewish Ghetto Policeman Calel Perechodnik. The Last Days of Calek Perechodnik IF I AM NOT mistaken , sir , you know of the death of your father . His death meant to us the loss of our hiding place . Calek remained ...
calek perechodnik z books.google.com
... Perechodnik from Otwock recorded in 1943, while he was in hiding in Warsaw, casts additional light on the complex ... Calek Perechodnik, Spowiedz': Dzieje rodziny z'ydowskiejpodczas okupacji hitlerowskiej w Polsce, ed. David Engel ...
calek perechodnik z books.google.com
... PERECHODNIK,. Am. I. a. Murderer? 35 Calel (Calek) Perechodnik (1916–1944) was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family in Otwock, near Warsaw, and earned a degree in agronomy at Warsaw University. His wife Anna (Anka), who operated a local ...