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camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Camillo Cibin. Only later did I learn that Cibin was an institution in Vatican circles. He was John Paul II's guardian angel for many years, the person who followed him everywhere and provided for his security. There are photos of Cibin ...
camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Camillo Cibin, ticked off the pontiff's approach on his copy of the minutebyminute schedule that governed the pope's working day. In the jacket of Cibin's custommade steel gray suit was a small but powerful cellular phone linking him to ...
camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Camillo Cibin , and sub- inspector Dominico Giani . The five men present would be responsible for the security of the Vatican state and of the 115 members of the Sacred Col- lege of Cardinals who would begin to meet on Monday , April 18 ...
camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Camillo Cibin, the long-time chief of the “Vigilanza,” the Vatican gendarmes or police—an organization separate from the colorful Swiss Guards but with sometimes overlapping duties—was in charge of the pope's security. Cibin was always ...
camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Camillo Cibin, the former head of the Gendarmerie whichat the time was known as the Vatican Security Corps. The two men hit it off. Cibin introduced him to Monsignor Battista Danzi, who at the time was an influential Secretary General ...
camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Camillo Cibin. Później, kiedy na Stolicy Piotrowej nastał papież Benedykt XVI, to on zajął miejsce swego wcześniejszego szefa i został mianowany komendantem. Domenico Giani to był za murami Watykanu prawdziwy człowiek instytucja. Zawsze ...
camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Camillo Cibin to w Watykanie kolejny człowiek legenda. Wstąpił w szeregi żandarmerii krótko po II wojnie światowej – w 1947 roku. Pozostał w niej prawie do swoich osiemdziesiątych urodzin, do 2006 roku, a zatem przez prawie ...
camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Camillo Cibin i funkcjonariusz portugalskich służb bezpieczeństwa go obezwładnili. Papież, jak gdy- by nigdy nic, udzielił mu błogosławieństwa. Szaleniec, wyprowadzony przez policjantów, rzucił w stronę Ojca Świętego: „Oskarżam cię o ...
camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Pope's brother , Georg Ratzinger , who was visit- ing the Vatican . Far left : The housekeeper passes one of the Swiss Guard on her way to work . S PONTMAXANMD XIITONT The Pope's guardian angel : Camillo Cibin. 97 GUARDIAN OF THE FAITH.
camillo cibin z books.google.com
... Camillo Cibin, the man who had been running alongside his car since day one of his pontificate and always cleared the way in the most dangerous situations—his commandatore. He also appointed the village priest, Don Aldelardo da Prà, as ...