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After extensive online reading and poring over stacks of books, I finally realized I had systemic Candida and would, in time, be well again. It was a long journey, though it didn't need to be, which is why I wrote this book.
candida z books.google.com
This natural approach to the treatment of Candida infections shows how to detect the effects of Candida Albicans and provides a comprehensive, drug-free program for its control.
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Candida. Written by the author of the best selling cookbook. "The Candida Control Cookbook", Gail Burton. In a precise and succinet way, she has summarized the main causes, symptoms, and treatment for Candida overgrowth.
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The underlying mechanisms of Candida and candidiasis and promising new directions in drug discovery and treatment. • Reviews all aspects of this common fungal pathogen and its impact on human health, from the basic biology of Candida ...
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The authors discuss how to cure a host of seemingly unsolvable, debilitating health problems by rooting out the source of candida.
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Discusses the symptoms, the causes, and the cures for Candida Albicans.
candida z books.google.com
A 10-point program to naturally treat yeast overgrowth, the root cause of countless chronic ailments • Details a proven anti-Candida diet, enzymes and herbs to support it, detox methods, and immune-boosting strategies to rebuild and ...
candida z books.google.com
This book on Candida albicans and similar pathogens provides a timely overview of the groundbreaking discoveries made in the areas of drug resistance, host–pathogen interactions, virulence, host immune system modulation, etc., in the last ...