Wyświetlam wyniki dla capitalism ii
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'The intricacy of detail and boldness of hypothesis in this book are indisputable, and if one is to do more than skim it, it demands and repays enormous attention...The lavish illustrations are superbly well chosen.
capitalism ii z books.google.com
The book is relevant to those interested in economics, development studies, international relations, and global politics. This book discusses the case for socialism and the models of socialist planning.
capitalism ii z books.google.com
... ii. Empirical evidence for OECD countries iii. Econometric tests of profit rate equalization VII. Debate on ... ii. Ricardo Marx i. Regulatingcapital ii. Choiceoftechnique iii. Biasoftechnicalchange i. Rise of the visions of perfect ...
capitalism ii z books.google.com
This book articulates a unified theory of capitalism as an attempt to provide a comprehensive scientific theory of this social system.
capitalism ii z books.google.com
This book analyzes key aspects of Marx’s Capital with an eye towards its relevance for an understanding of issues confronting us in the 21st Century.
capitalism ii z books.google.com
In J.P. Morgan & Co. and the Crisis of Capitalism, Martin Horn brings us the first in-depth history of how J.P. Morgan responded to the greatest crisis in the history of financial capitalism, shedding new light on the Great Depression, the ...
capitalism ii z books.google.com
... II . Structure of the Domestic Business : Early Stages of Transition . § 12. Beginnings of Concentrated Industry and the Factory . §13 . Limitations in Size and Application of Capital- Merchant ... CAPITALISM . II several Markets are.
capitalism ii z books.google.com
... Capitalism. CHAPTER II. THE INSTRUMENTS OF CAPITALISM. 1. Scientific inventions and economic direction. 2. The meaning of the term Capital. 3. Place of Machinery in Capitalism. 4. The financial aspect of Capitalism. CHAPTER III. THE ...
capitalism ii z books.google.com
... capitalism , 10 psychology of biases for and against products , 60 of managers , 49–51 , 60 of traditional capitalism , II Puritans , 10 pyramid , in administrative structure , 91-2 , 93-4 regression analysis in neo - classical model ...