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... cappa parva and the cappa magna The cappa parva was a violet or scarlet hood with a long cape worn by prelates and cardinals in late mediaeval times . The cappa magna was a very lengthy version of the same thing 68 CATHOLIC TRIVIA.
cappa magna z books.google.com
... cappa magna or pluviale worn by cardinals . The scarlet outside " is the color of the cappa magna itself . 7. Erasmus transfers to the cappa magna the traditional symbolism of the chasuble ( Innocent III , De sacro altaris mysterio , PL ...
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... cappa magna . century it was provided with arms ( cappa manicata ) , but the use of this form was forbidden at choir services and other liturgical functions . From the hood of the cappa was developed the almuce ( q.v. ) . At what date the ...
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... cappa magna , always without ermine , is no longer obligatory . It can be used only outside Rome , in circumstances of very special solemnity . " * The cappa magna is the single item of vesture that the hierarchy and clergy believe to ...
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... magna is of red vel- vet , and of red serge for funeral services and Tenebrae.1 5. Cardinals wear a silk cappa magna during the entire year , except on Good Friday , when they should wear a cappa of woolen material . Their cappa magna ...
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... cappa magna developed from the cope and achieved its separate existence as an item of clothing in the fifteenth century.22 The cappa magna of the cardinals and nuntios alone was of watered silk, with the lining of the hood being ermine ...
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Anastasia DOLBY. THE XXVIII . THE CAPPA MAGNA . ' HE word cappa actually bears reference to a hood , and , anciently , was so used to designate such an appurtenance ... cappa magna of the cardinal , in choir , X 153 The Cappa Magna .
cappa magna z books.google.com
... CAPPA MAGNA . ' HE word cappa actually bears reference to a hood , and , anciently , was so used to designate such an appurtenance , whether worn by priests or laity ... cappa magna of the cardinal , in choir , X 153 The Cappa Magna .
cappa magna z books.google.com
... CAPPA MAGNA Question : Is it quite correct to wear the pectoral cross outside the cappa magna , when a bishop goes to or from the sanctuary on the occasion of pontifical ceremonies ? Answer : To this query , proposed by a distinguished ...
cappa magna z books.google.com
... cappa magna, a voluminous mantle 14 Cappa magna with an exaggeratedly long train (fig. 14). While the cope and the mantle can be precious garments, often embroidered in gold thread or decorated with pearls and gemstones, the cappa magna ...