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Capping S'ers is a science fiction novel about a television show where individuals relate in an interview why they want to commit suicide and then with the help of the protagonist and an alien artifact, they may or may not die. 50% of all ...
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When dredged materials proposed for open-water placement are found to require isolation form the benthic environment due to the presence of contaminants, capping may he appropriate for consideration as a management action.
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This paper develops a theoretical framework to study the impact of bonus caps on banks’ risk taking.
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Capping Courage By: Judy Wright Brooks Capping Courage is a unique story that invites the reader to experience the life, joys, and hardships of Kort Olanna, a young Inuit boy who must take on the responsibility of supporting his family ...
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This technical note describes equipment and placement techniques for capping projects.
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"Comparative tests of various capping materials were conducted to determine the effect of the capping on the apparent compressive strength of building brick, structural clay tile and concrete blocks.
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Identifies the accounts and activities that currently comprise mandatory spending and reviews their recent growth.