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... Carabus nemoralis Müller , 1764 Pl . 2 : 9 . Carabus nemoralis Müller , 1764 , Fauna Ins . Fridr .: 21 . 22-26 mm . A stout , rather convex and short - legged species without elytral ridges . Bronze to brass green , the female more dull ...
carabus nemoralis z books.google.com
... Carabus nemoralis im natürlichen Habitat . - Abh . Westf . Mus . Naturkunde 54 : 65-98 . Hockmann , P. , Schlomberg , P. , Wallin , H. & Weber , F. 1989 : Bewegungsmuster und Orientierung des Laufkäfers Carabus auronitens in einem ...
carabus nemoralis z books.google.com
It is impossible for me to mention by name all of the col leagues who have given me their support in the preparation of the book.
carabus nemoralis z books.google.com
... Carabus nemoralis ( Muller ) and S. marginatus to gastropod mucus . Predation by C. nemoralis on slugs had previously been reported by Glendenning ( 1952 ) and Tod ( 1973 ) . Female C. nemoralis responded significantly to the presence ...
carabus nemoralis z books.google.com
... Carabus is represented on this continent by 14 species , three of which are foreign . Carabus nemoralis is a flightless import from Eu- rope . It is expanding its range here , from southeastern Canada to the Great Lakes , and parts of ...
carabus nemoralis z books.google.com
... Carabus nemoralis O.MÜLLER 1764 Deuterocarabus REITTER 1896 Type species : Carabus montivagus PALLIARDI 1825 Aptocarabus REITTER 1896 Type species : Carabus rossi DEJEAN 1826 = Rhipocarabus REITTER 1896 = Type species : Carabus ...
carabus nemoralis z books.google.com
... Carabus olympiae Sella pass through three developmental stages before pupating, with total development taking ... nemoralis. Mueller. Carabus nemoralis (commonly called the "Bronze Carabid") is a ground beetle common in central and ...
carabus nemoralis z books.google.com
... Carabus ( Archicarabus ) nemoralis O. F. Müller , 1764 Faun . Ins . Friedrischdal . , p . 21 . Carabus nemoralis : Ioakimov , 1904 , p . 6. Buresch & Kantarjieva , 1928 , p . 99 , nota 1. Gueorguiev , 1989 , p . 82 . SG , T ( Haskovo ) ...