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carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
... Carcinoma laryngis Aug. 11 , 1883 5 52 64 Carcinoma laryngis May 3 , 1885 6t 68 Carcinoma laryngis Dec. 18 , 1886 71 43 Carcinoma laryngis June 29 , 1887 8 36 Carcinoma laryngis Nov. 16 , 1887 9 42 Carcinoma laryngis Feb. 21 , 1888 ...
carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
... carcinoma laryngis . De carcinomateuse gezwellen van den larynx , die zich , van het begin af aan , in de vlakte uitbreiden , geven zonder twijfel indicatie voor exstirpatie . Als indicatio vitalis wordt verder nog de larynxexstir ...
carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
Philip R. W. Santi. As playing a very small part in the etiology of carcinoma laryngis , reference may be made to contagion and autoinfection . There are a few cases published bearing on these two cases , but the cases are so few that no ...
carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
Philip R. W. Santi. As playing a very small part in the etiology of carcinoma laryngis , reference may be made to contagion and autoinfection . There are a few cases published bearing on these two cases , but the cases are so few that no ...
carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
... carcinoma laryngis . No one will deny that Bergmann is a fine diagnostician , and a marvelously brilliant and bold operator , but inasmuch as the operation of laryngectomy is such a serious and fatal one , the expectant plan of ...
carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
... Carcinoma Laryngis ; ( 2 ) Sections demonstrating Very Early Diagnosis of Carcinoma Laryngis ; ( 3 ) ( With Mr. Wilfred Trotter ) : A Case of Extrinsic Carcinoma Laryngis , Two Years after Operation ; ( 4 ) Two Cases of Ma ignant ...
carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
... carcinoma . Mel- bourne Hosp . Clin . Rep . , 1933 , 4 : 8-15 . - Evans , D. M. B. A case of squamous - celled ... laryngis ; Exitus ; Präparat . Mschr . Ohrenh . , Wien , 1922 , 56 : 966. - Taylor , A. L. Carcinoma of the bronchus ; the ...
carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
... Carcinoma of the larynx ; report of cases . Virginia M. Month . , 1934 , 60 ... laryngis bei einem 17jährigen Mädchen ; konservative Behandlung ... Carcinoma laryngis ( ? ) Pest . med . chir . Presse , 1905 , 41 : krebs . Dai Nippon ji bi ...
carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
... Carcinoma of the larynx . Tr . Am . Lar . Rhin . Otol . Soc . , 1940 , 46 : 398 405. Also Ann . Otol . Rhinol ... laryngis . Münch . med . Wschr . , 1908 , 55 : 1203. - Lundon , A. E. Laryn- geal carcinoma . Canad . M. Ass . J. , 1928 ...
carcinoma laryngis z books.google.com
... ( carcinoma laryngis ) 1 .020 .014 1 1 1 1 lip ( carcinoma labii ) . .020 .008 1 1 liver ( carcinoma hepatis ) 9 . 180 054 .029 4 3 1 1 7 2 mesenteric glands ( carcinoma glandu- larum mesenterii ) mouth ( carcinoma oris ) . neck ( carcinoma ...