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carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... Carlo Rainaldi (Rome, 1922); Mandl, Carlo Rainaldi, pp. 578–9; Guglielmo Matthiae, 'Contributo a Carlo Rainaldi', Arti Figurative, 2 (1946): 5.0–72; Furio Fasolo, 'Carlo Rainaldi e il prospetto di S. Andrea della Valle a Roma', Palladio ...
carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... Rainaldi's execution of one of the great church façades in Rome , that of S. Andrea della Valle [ 127 ] . Here , however , he had not a free hand . The façade was begun in 1624 from a design of Carlo Maderno . When the latter died , it ...
carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... Carlo Rainaldi ( 1645 ) Proposal for alternate bell towers and alterations to the facade of St. Peter's October 1645 BAV , Vat . lat . 13442 , fol . IIr 67.6 X 67.5 cm TECHNIQUE Pen and brown ink BIBLIOGRAPHY Brauer and Wittkower 1931 ...
carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... Rainaldi ( 1570–1655 ) , Francesco Borromini ( 1599–1667 ) , Carlo Rainaldi ( 1611–1691 ) , Gianlorenzo Bernini ( 1598-1680 ) , Pietro da Cortona ( 1596–1669 ) , 90-92 S. Andrea della Fratte dome and cam- panile ( 1653–1665 ) ...
carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... CARLO RAINALDI La. Presentazione Tradizione e discontinuità: un avvicinamento all'architettura di Carlo Rainaldi Augusto Roca De Amicis 9 Introduzione Su Carlo Rainaldi: esiti di un percorso di ricerca Simona Benedetti PRIMA PARTE CARLO ...
carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... Rainaldi den Vierungspfeilern Säulen vor , die die Gurt- bögen der Querarme tragen . Auch dies findet in Oberitalien sein Vorbild , wie in S. Alessandro in Mailand und im Dom von Brescia . So sind gerade zwei Römer , Girolamo und Carlo ...
carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... Carlo Rainaldi was himself an architect's son , and is also responsible for S. Maria in Campitelli ( 1659 ) , built to receive a miraculous image of the Virgin , which is said to have stayed a pestilence in 1656. The interior of this ...
carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... Carlo Rainaldi selbst war eines Architekten Sohn . Er ist der Urheber von Santa Maria in Campitelli ( 1659 ) , erbaut zur Auf- nahme eines wundertätigen Bildes der Jungfrau , welches_im Jahre 1656 die Pestilenz zum Stillstand gebracht ...
carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... Carlo Rainaldi . About 1671 Bernini changed the design of their domes , made the lanterns lighter , and re- modelled the interior of Santa Maria di Monte Santo . We detect in this grouping and studied silhouette the true spirit of the ...
carlo rainaldi z books.google.com
... Carlo Rainaldi , himself the son of a Roman architect . His are the twin churches of the Piazza del Popolo , S. Maria in Monte Santo and S. Maria dei Miracoli , which were later completed by Bernini , and whose structural design has ...