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Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images found in the physical edition.
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From Windows Solitaire to Bejeweled to Wii Tennis, casual games have radically changed the landscape of games.
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Now you want to know how to apply them to the puzzle and casual game genres. This focused guide gives you exactly what you need.
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The first collection dedicated to analysing the casual, social, and mobile gaming movements that are changing games the world over.
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... game in an attempt to make it more robust. At some point, designers must step back from their games and think about what they can strip away. We are talking about casual games, after all. It is imperative that the experience be clean ...
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Without the proper planning most games are doomed to fail before they even get off the ground. This is where the Top Down / Casual Game Development Journal comes in to help you!
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Throughout the book users will learn how to create a variety of games that they can use for their own fun or sell commercially.
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Jane Jensen's work and landmark Gabriel Knight series brought a new darkness and personality to PC gaming, offering a first powerful glimpse of what games could be as they came of age.
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The book covers everything from the initial game production to maintaining a live game, and focuses on the challenges of designing casual live games versus more hardcore PC and console titles.
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In Gaming Sexism, Amanda C. Cote explores the video game industry and its players to explain this contradiction, how it affects female gamers, and what it means in terms of power and gender equality.