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cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... Cecilia Gallerani , see also M. Kemp ' Leonardo verso 1500 ' , in Leonardo & Venice , exhibition catalogue , Bompiani , Milan , 1992 , pp . 45-54 , esp . pp . 45 ff . See also J. Shearman , Only Connect ... Art and the Spectator in the ...
cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... Cecilia Gallerani as the duke's mistress , but it is difficult to reconcile her high social status and intellectual renown with the previously clandestine and inferior position of mistresses at court . More likely , Gallerani's position ...
cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... ( Cecilia Gallerani ) and the so - called Belle Ferronière ( illus . p . 49 ) , although there is not unanimous agreement that the latter should be attributed to Leonardo . Similar uncertainty surrounds another portrait made during ...
cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... Cecilia Gallerani ' , pp . 56 , 62 ; Pini , ' Presenza della " magnifica et generosa Cecilia " , pp . 34 , 38-9 ; Ballarin , ' Nota sul Ritratto ' , p . 244 . 35 Colli , ' Cecilia Gallerani e Giulia Farnese ' , p . 26 . 36 Shell and ...
cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... Cecilia's portrait was lent , and Isabella returned it a month later . 53 ... Gallerani in Greek , which also suggests " white , " the color of the ... Cecilia's portrait commemorates this honor as much as their dishonorable liaison . In ...
cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... Cecilia Gallerani es el título de su libro de cuentos y el primero de ellos. ¿Cuento? ¿Pintura? Un texto finísimo que, a base de elementos históricos y pictóricos de rica erudición, rehace sin estridencia la esplendidez y la melancolía ...
cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... Cecilia Gallerani , who was an older woman than Lucrezia . After 1499 de Predis is unlikely to have been connected with the Milanese ladies in question . In 1502 he painted his portrait of the Emperor Maximilian , and must therefore ...
cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... Cecilia Gallerani , mistress of Ludovico il Moro , holding in her arms an ermine symbolic of her name and of her lover.35 Bellincioni's poem16 praises Leonardo because " with his painting ( he ) makes her seem to listen . " Compelling ...
cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... Cecilia Gallerani, April 26, 1498 Lady Cecilia Bergamini,1 Having today viewed some beautiful portraits by the hand of Giovanni Bellini, we began to discuss the works of Leonardo, and desire to compare them with some that we have ...
cecilia gallerani z books.google.com
... Cecilia Gallerani's salon , the elderly ambassador had been targeted by a boorish fellow who had emptied the pot out the window without a second thought and without the ... Cecilia Gallerani had withdrawn. As always, he drew an automatic.