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... cedent of A.s/ is the upper left cedent of the jump target of A.s/. This is also referred to as the 9-jump target cedent of the cedent containing A.s/. We now come to the crucial new definition for handling cut elimination of outermost ...
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... cedent , which he offered to prove by Gawin's oath , and which could not be refused , because he offered to prove that it was the custom of England , that the cedent's oath can never be taken away by as- signation , as it is in Scotland ...
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... CEDENT . These cases show that the intimation is necessary , not merely for NECESSARY TO placing the debtor in malâ fide , but for completing the assignee's title ; and , moreover , as no one can be fully divested of a debt until ...
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... cedent is competent to the assignee , and ( 2 ) every defence competent against the cedent is competent against the assignee . This rule is usually expressed in the maxim , Assignatus utitur jure auctoris . The assignee may sue or do ...
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... cedent retaining the possession ) , cannot hurt the cedent's creditors ; for such rights are pre- sumed in all questions with creditors to be collusive , and granted in trust for the cedent himself . ( k ) for mes- assignation . ( 8 ) 5 ...
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... cedent's oath ; but , after intimation , the cedent's oath is inadmissible to prove compensation , payment , or any other direct defence against the debt ; except , 1. Where the assignation has been gratui tous , or in trust for the ...
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... cedent into a debt to the II . 5 , 2 . assignee . ( a ) This is accomplished by a mandate , empowering the assignee to ( ii . 19. ) demand payment , accompanied by intimation to the debtor , that henceforward he is to hold the money for ...
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... cedent , is entirely discharged ; but not " so if he had already been notified by the cessionary not to " pay to the cedent . Nay , if the debtor was not ignorant of " the sale and the cession , but intimation had not yet been " given ...
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... cedent , 39 or where there has been any special agree- ment between the debtor and the cedent which would have served as a good defence in an action by the cedent , these facts may be used as a defence against the cessionary also . A ...
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... cedent's oath could not prejudge him ; and it being answered , That he made no objection before the oath taken , neither could make any just objection , because the oath of the cedent , any time before intimation , is sufficient against ...