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This volume is the first to present a state-of-the-art overview of this field, with many results published for the first time.
centralne twierdzenie graniczne z books.google.com
... centralne twierdzenie graniczne. Znowu wyobraź sobie losowe pobieranie liczb ze zbioru wartości liczbowych {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} w taki sposób, że mogą występować powtórzenia. Mogę tego dokonać przez powtarzanie rzutów kostką. Po ...
centralne twierdzenie graniczne z books.google.com
Consider a recurrent event on the positive integers. Let N(n) denote the number of recurrences up to and including time n. For 0
centralne twierdzenie graniczne z books.google.com
About the First Edition: The study of any topic becomes more meaningful if one also studies the historical development that resulted in the final theorem. ... This is an excellent book on mathematics in the making.
centralne twierdzenie graniczne z books.google.com
"These papers were presented and developed as expository talks at a summer-long workshop on Stein's method at Stanford's Department of Statistics in 1998."--P. iii.
centralne twierdzenie graniczne z books.google.com
This book provides an introduction to the asymptotic theory of random summation, combining a strict exposition of the foundations of this theory and recent results.
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A comprehensive introduction to the central limit theory-from foundations to current research This volume provides an introduction to the central limit theory of random vectors, which lies at the heart of probability and statistics.
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The book is written mainly for mathematicians and physicists familiar with probability theory and interested in applications of operator algebras to quantum statistical mechanics.
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In the view of many probabilists, author Anatolii Puhalskii's research results stand among the most significant achievements in the modern theory of large deviations.