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... centrum handlowego był – uwaga! fanfary! – autorskim dziełem Perełki. A raczej pracą zbiorową jego i jego kolegów SB-eków. W Polsce nikt takiego nie miał. Nawet mysz się nie prześlizgnie. Gdyby po zamknięciu Domino w budynku pojawił się ...
centrum handlowe z books.google.com
Are there potentials in central city revitalization?
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Originally published: Piscataway: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, 1981.
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Profiling malls as intersections of American consumer marketing, the media, and street culture, an examination of malls as reflections of commercial and social culture considers what malls mean to ordinary people.
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This book examines the shopping centre development process and analyses the control policies which have been taken and which are needed. It draws on material from throughout the developed world. First published 1985.
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Megatrends in Retail Real Estate allows the reader to analyze and forecast changes in the retail marketplace. The book presents a simple model to analyze and predict mall and shopping center investment returns.
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... centrum handlowe w Europie) i w Orestad w Kopenhadze (Field's, drugie największe centrum handlowe w Danii). Tylko nieznacznie mniejsze (około 90 tys. m2) były centra handlowe Kista Galleria w Sztokholmie (najczęściej odwiedzane centrum ...