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The book will assist market participants and their counsel to better understand the rules of their own countries and those of other countries.
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This book investigates the motivations behind the adoption of the technique of asset securitization by US commercial banks and its effects on the financial performances.
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This book demonstrates how the solution which has been adopted by the Commission is inadequate for receivables-based cross-border transactions.
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This book explains the existence, meaning and application of the rules governing the assignment of contractual rights.
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Finally there are a few observations of a more general nature which conclude this twentieth edition of Forum Internationale.
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The book is unique in providing an in-depth coverage of the legislation in all European countries where asset securitization plays a role.
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Pt. 1. Introduction -- pt. 2. The nature of assignment -- pt. 3. Assignment of contractual rights -- pt. 4. The position of the parties.
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... Cesja przenosiła na ce- sjonarjusza przede wszystkiem prawo skargi cedenta , które on mógł we własnem imieniu zrealizować ( cedere actionem ) . Cesja przychodzi do skutku na podstawie : 1. umowy ( cessio voluntaria ) , jest to umowa ...
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... cesja , Prawo cywilne. , akt, którym partia przypisuje lub transfery właściwośdinnych; przypisanie. 4232 cession , eccl. law. when an ecclesiasticis created bishop, or when a parson takes another benefice, without dispensation, the ...