Wyświetlam wyniki dla charles whiting
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Charles Whiting, Sr., son of Edwin Whiting and Mary Elizabett Cox, was born in 1852 in Manti, Utah.
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This first book to examine the World War II exploits of the U.S. Seventh Army traces its initial combat in Sicily through its invasion of southern France and its capture of Hitler's "Eagle's Nest".
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This is a gripping brutal history, taking us deep into one of the most terrifying and cult-like units of the Second World War. It shows just how far the Nazi’s were willing to go; and the great efforts needed to vanquish them.
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When an entire army retreats, Common Smith VC must turn the tide Spring, 1922.
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Common Smith's most dangerous mission yet.
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Charles Whiting, one of the best-selling historians of the war, examines how the Allies could have anticipated the attack had they not been lulled into a false sense of security.
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Common Smith is in a race against time to retrieve sensitive British intelligence before it falls into enemy handsYugoslavia, Winter 1924.
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An assassination threat risks plunging Europe into a second world war.