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Written by British Afghan enthusiast Bryony Harcourt-Brown, the book begins with a solid chapter on the breed's history, tracing its origins in the Middle East, its development in America and the United Kingdom, illustrated with historical ...
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Whisky Mattimore and her Afghan hound Abra are attending the prestigious Midwest Afghan Hound Specialty in Amish country.
chart afgański z books.google.com
Tracing the History of the Oldest Breed of Dog In 1992, two Russian movie makers left a cryptic note for New Mexican writer Stephen Bodio at his local bar.
chart afgański z books.google.com
... Chart afgański Chart afgański to bardzo stara rasa psów myśliwskich . Typowy osobnik posiada gęste , gładkie , długie futro . Jest to dostojny i bardzo niezależny pies . Lowchen w wielu klasyfikacjach zaliczany jest do grupy biszonów ...
chart afgański z books.google.com
These books are treasure troves of information about the breed - The physical points, temperaments, and special abilities are given; celebrated dogs are discussed and pictured; and the history of the breed and pedigrees of famous champions ...
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Nine months pregnant, real estate broker Whiskey Mattimoe is literally living large.
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Here is virtually everything dog lovers need to know about feeding, grooming, training, and keeping a healthy pet -- as well as valuable information on the traits of individual breeds.
chart afgański z books.google.com
This book includes information on purchasing, grooming, training, breeding, and health concerns of the American Staffordshire terrier.