cheironomia z
... cheironomia with his legs. An a fortiori case can be made out for a complete system of cheironomia being in use in connection with formal Greek dance and, more particularly, forming part of the actor's equipment: a vocabulary of ...
cheironomia z
... cheironomia. Cheironomia was “designed to create graceful and rhythmic movements ... which were the same as those for which the pantomimes were famous or notorious.”201 The fact that cheironomia was also practiced by aleiphomenoi may ...
cheironomia z
... cheironomia in the reinvented system practiced at Vatopaidi is based on the shapes of the written signs. Indications strongly suggest that cheironomia was commonly used in the Byzantine musical past (Moran 1986: 6, 38—43). However, due ...
cheironomia z
... cheironomia with the practice of choral dancing . Five centuries later , at the height of Roman arts , the term cheironomia acquired an association with the prac- tice of contemporary pantomimi , who told stories through the use of hand ...
cheironomia z
... Cheironomia'. 21 In performance,eachgesture involves the whole body andispunctuated withsound,breath and word astheactors move fluidly from one to another. In Iphigenia at Aulis,thecollective body enactsthe Cheironomia which charge ...
cheironomia z
... cheironomia chironomy. See cheironomia chirosophy. See cheironomia chorégraphie. See Beauchamps- Feuillet notation choreography, 34, 42n25, 76–77, 118, 119–20, 127, 128–29, 130, 132–34, 135–36, 138, 145, 149, 151, 153–54, 165, 167, 195 ...
cheironomia z
... cheironomia, involving various positions (flexions) of fingers and hand. Cheironomia is a phenomenon of a semi-oral musical tradition like the Byzantine one and can be described as a gestic or mnemonic notation rather than conducting in ...
cheironomia z
... cheironomia the instant his voice is emitted , in order , by this cheironomia , to indicate the chant that has started . The chanter is using the cheironomia like an assis- tant who knows the various proportions , so that he might sing ...
cheironomia z
... Cheironomia by ancient civilised nations possibly arose when they traded with barbaric peoples . Athenæus writes that Telestes , a dancer in the theatre of Eschylus , was so skilled in Cheironomia that he represented in a dance the ...
cheironomia z
... Cheironomia by ancient civilised nations possibly arose when they traded with barbaric peoples . Athenæus writes that Telestes , a dancer in the theatre of Æschylus , was so skilled in Cheironomia that he represented in a dance the ...