Czy chodziło Ci o: chemtrails
chemitrails z
... chemi- trails . Niektórzy kojarzą to z wojskowymi projektami badawczymi w atmosferze , wyrażając zaniepokojenie o swoje zdro- wie " - informował poseł Szyszko i pytał : ,, Co to jest chemitrails ? Od kiedy chemi- trails jest obserwowane ...
chemitrails z
... chemitrails”, kan jeg nesten ikke unngå å nevne hva han mener skjer i lufta over hodene på verdens folk, også her i Norge. Han forteller i boken sin at den amerikanske befolkning i årevis har blitt brukt som prøvekaniner for utprøvning ...
chemitrails z
... Chemitrails that are poisoning us on a daily basis, killing us eventually (by some super forces behind the government). People now days are living longer than ever before, if anything that stuff is creating longevity. - NWO working on ...
chemitrails z
... chemitrail of rumours and conspiracy theories already snaking through the consciousness of a nation, who would believe me? Geraldine would never admit it, and all those people who were 'working' on Operation Schrödinger believed that ...
chemitrails z
... holográficas inclusive no céu e Haarp , dirigido ao estudo do clima , com responsabilidade pelo câmbio climático , os Chemitrails , com produtos químicos lançados por aviões de carreira adaptados com depósitos químicos para esse.
chemitrails z
... Chemitrails") über Deutschland - Pro Fide Catholica - Verlag Anton A. Schmid, Pf 22, 87467 Durach Frank Hills und seine weiteren Bücher „Die Weltordnung des Antichristen"; „Das globale Killernetzwerk"; „Die Liquidierung Deutschlands ...
chemitrails z
... ChemiPath., Nat1 Ctr Nervous by 12-0-tetradecanoy1phorbol -13-acetate Mental & Musc.Disord., Tokyo 187, Japan] Accumulation of cholesteryl esters and triglycerides in cultured Eklund A, Sjoblom L, Ostlunrl-Lindqvist A-M; Atherosclerosis ...
chemitrails z
... Chemitrail-Flugzeuge (wahrscheinlich eine jüdisch-muslimische Kooperation), die Gift versprühen, um die weiße Rasse impotent zu machen. Dabei waren die USA laut AltRight-Aktivisten einmal ein rein arisches Land, und da wollen die ...