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... chiragra , Hoffmann , Réch . Faune Madagasc . , V , ii , p . 36 . 1875. Gonodactylus chiragra , Paulson , Réch . Crust . Mer Rouge , p . 127 . 1879. Gonodactylus chiragra , Hilgendorf , Monatsber . Ak . Wiss . Berlin , p . 846 . 1879 ...
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... chiragra Zehnter , 1894 , Rev. Suisse Zool . , vol . 2 , p . 212 . Gonodactylus chiragra Del Prato , 1896 , Atti Soc . Ital . Sci . Nat . , vol . 36 , p . 185 . Gonodactylus chiragra Rathbun , 1900 , Proc . Wash . Acad . Sci . , vol . 2 ...
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... chiragra Zehnter , 1894 , Rev. Suisse Zool . , vol . 2 , p . 212 . Gonodactylus chiragra Del Prato , 1896 , Atti Soc . Ital . Sci . Nat . , vol . 36 , p . 185 . Gonodactylus chiragra Rathbun , 1900 , Proc . Wash . Acad . Sci . , vol . 2 ...
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... chiragra , from which it appears to differ in being more robust and in the ornamen- tation of the telson and of the sixth abdominal tergite . The crests upon these two plates are the same in number as in chiragra , but are much more ...
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... chiragra , from which it appears to differ in being more robust and in the ornamen- tation of the telson and of the sixth abdominal tergite . The crests upon these two plates are the same in number as in chiragra , but are much more ...
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... chiragra . In Demani the telson has usually a smaller or higher number of spinules ; " apart from this feature G. demani bears a close resemblance to G. chiragra , from which , however , it may be separated by the shape of the dorsal ...
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... chiragra Schnellen van Vollenhoven , 1878 : Hem . Het . Neerl .: 113 , T. 7 , f . 1. Rhyparochromus chiragra Reuter , 1881 : Ent . Tidskr . 2 : 86 , 3 . Id . Rhy- parochromus , 1882 : Finl . a . Scand . Hem .: 58 : 3. Rhyparochromus ...