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... Chironex fleckeri Southcott , 1956 . 9.42 A Chirodropid in Philippine waters . 9.43 Tentacle mass of a large adult Chironex fleckeri . 9.44 A massive , near - fatal Chiro- nex fleckeri envenomation . 9.45 Fatal Chironex fleckeri sting ...
chironex fleckeri z books.google.com
... Chironex fleckeri , Chirosp- salmus sp . , and Carybdea xaymacana - on cytosolic Ca2 + , haemolysis , and Artemia sp . lethality , Toxicon , 45 , 233 , 2005 . 78. Endean , R. , Monks , S. A. , and Cameron , A. M. , Toxins from the box ...
chironex fleckeri z books.google.com
... Chironex fleckeri ( cnidaria : cubozoa : chirodropida ) to different colors of light . Biol Bull 215 : 57–62 12 Rifkin J , Endean R ( 1983 ) The structure and function of the nematocysts of Chironex fleckeri Southcott , 1956. Cell ...
chironex fleckeri z books.google.com
... Chironex fleckeri Southcott. Br J Pharmacol 1969;35(3):510À20. 54. Burnett JW, Calton GJ. Response of the box-jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) cardiotoxin to intravenous administration of verapamil. Med J Aust 1983;2(4):192. 55. Bailey PM ...
chironex fleckeri z books.google.com
There are many species of box jellyfish, some of which are very small.
chironex fleckeri z books.google.com
... Chironex fleckeri, Carukia barnesi) (Purcell et al. 2007). Jellyfish may be present in the shallow waters where people swim and snorkel, or they may get washed up onto the beaches following strong onshore winds. How the public responds ...
chironex fleckeri z books.google.com
... Chironex fleckeri Southcott, 1956, Cell Tissue Res, 233, 563, 1983. RIFKIN, J.F. AND ENDERN, R., Arrangement of accessory cells and nematocytes bearing mastigophores in the tentacles of the Cubozoan Chironex fleckeri, J Morphol, 195 ...
chironex fleckeri z books.google.com
... Chironex fleckeri Southcott, 1956. Cell Tissue Res 1983;233:563–577. Lumley J, Williamson JA, Fenner PJ, Burnett JW, Colquhoun DM. Fatal envenomation by Chironex fleckeri, the north Australian box jellyfish: the continuing search for ...
chironex fleckeri z books.google.com
... Chironex fleckeri envenomation in tropical Australia. Widerness Environ Med 11:233–240 Brinkman DL, Aziz A, Loukas A et al (2012) Venom proteome of the box jellyfish Chironex fleckeri. PLoS One 7, e47866 McClounan S, Seymour J (2012) ...