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... Chmielnik , stanowiąca własność książęcą . W 1241 r . na terenach wokół obecnego miasteczka rozegrała się wielka , choć przegrana dla Pola- ków , bitwa rycerstwa małopolskiego z Tatarami2 , a 34 lata później , na mocy decyzji Bolesława ...
chmielnik z books.google.com
... Chmielnik , where he had some powerful ties . Henik and his parents had been born in Chmielnik . While Henik and his mother were trapped in Lodz ' ghetto during the war , his father and sister were shot in Chmielnik's square . After the ...
chmielnik z books.google.com
8.Historia żydowskich miasteczek do I połowy XX w.
chmielnik z books.google.com
... Chmielnik Zdroj: A Public-Private Marketing Partnership in Southeastern Poland Chmielnik Zdroj is a joint-stock company located in Chmielnik, one of the four com- munes of Dolina Strugu. The most important associates are the four ...
chmielnik z books.google.com
... Chmielnik's Jewish heritage, which was published in Polish in 2006 and English in 2007.37 Not only does this book present a general picture of Jewish life in prewar Chmielnik and describe the annihilation of Chmielnik's Jews; it also ...