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The proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Phospholipids updates the nutrition, health, and medical research community on the latest work being done on phospholipids in health and disease.
cholina z books.google.com
But the cholinologists bravely dismis sed the temptations and went on with the presentations and discus sions of the many papers which form the present book.
cholina z books.google.com
The purpose of this book is to summarize recent clinical and pre-clinical investigations on the possible role of brain acetylcholine in several neurological and psychiatric disorders.
cholina z books.google.com
This volume offers a comprehensive update and overview of the field of cholinergic transmission as presented by some thirty distinguished investigators who were recruited for their task from Germany, Great Britain, Canada, USA, Sweden, ...
cholina z books.google.com
Comprehensive exposé, by leading neuroscientists, of current knowledge on the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex.
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This volume records the achievements of forty years of medical research, giving direct and easy access to over sixty of Dr. Best’s original important research papers in the fields particularly of insulin, heparin, and choline.
cholina z books.google.com
The text then ponders on the roles of acetylcholine and acetylcholinesterase in junctional transmission and correlated studies of monoamines and acetylcholinesterase in sympathetic ganglia, manifesting the distribution of adrenergic and ...