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It summarises the biology, distribution and conservation status and analyses the causes of decline of the Common hamster and the state of the Romanian hamster. Ways of dealing with the conservation or management of the species are proposed
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In this volume, contributions made at the 13th Meeting of the International Hamster Workgroup have been summarized.
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... Chomik europejski (Cricetus cricetus L.) w mozaikowym krajobrazie rolniczym południowej Polski [The European hamster (Cricetus cricetus L.) in a mosaic of arable fields in south Poland]. Dissertation. Department of Systematic Zoology ...
chomik europejski z books.google.com
When Freddy learns that a colony of endangered field hamsters is at risk, he takes action. But it's Freddy's own life that is put in jeopardy when he takes on City Hall. Will Freddy's hamsteritarian mission be his last?
chomik europejski z books.google.com
In his continuing adventures, Freddy, a golden hamster who can read and write, joins his animal and human friends to save a colony of endangered field hamsters from being killed when an automobile plant is constructed on their land.
chomik europejski z books.google.com
... chomik europejski , również spotykane coraz rzadziej . W jaskini w Stradczu znajduje się stano- wisko rzadkiego nietoperza — nocka Bechsteina . Bogatsza jest awifauna . Z ciekawszych gatunków gnieżdżą się tu bocian czarny i czapla , a ...
chomik europejski z books.google.com
... Chomik europejski Cricetus cricetus ( Linnaeus , 1758 ) na Płaskowyżu Głubczyckim i terenach przyległych . Der europäische Hamster Cricetus cricetus ( Linnaeus , 1758 ) der das Plateau von Głubczyce und die anliegenden Gebiete bewohnt ...
chomik europejski z books.google.com
... Chomik europejski Cricetus cricetus ( Linnaeus , 1758 ) na Płaskowyżu Głubczyckim i tere- nach przyległych . Ann . UMCS B , 24 , 10 : 313–322 . SURDACKI S. , 1970 : Dynamika populacji susła perełkowanego Citellus suslicus ...