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A chapter is devoted to the epidemiology and clinical features of ankylosing spondylitis. The book can provide useful information to ophthalmologists, doctors, chemists, students, and researchers.
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This book focuses on clinical presentation, diagnostic processes and current management of systematic vasculitis, and for this second edition the Editors have updated the treatment approach and nomenclature in line with current practice.
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Others such as lupus nephritis are relatively rare but respond well to recent advances in therapy. In addition to diabetes mellitus and lupus nephritis this volume has chapters on multiple myeloma and Henoch-Schonlein purpura.
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Many of these conditions are only rarely encountered by general physicians and often present significant diagnostic challenges. Our goal in writing this short book was to provide easily accessible information in a pocket-sized format.
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... Choroba Schönleina - Henocha ETIOLOGIA Choroba Schönleina - Henocha jest zapaleniem drobnych naczyń krwionośnych o nieznanej etiologii , charakteryzującym się nacie- czeniem limfocytarnym tkanek , skazą krwotoczną i niedokrwie- niem ...
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... choroba Schönleina-Henocha idiopatyczna hemosyderoza płucna zespół Goodpasture'a ziarniniakowatość Wegenera toczeń rumieniowaty układowy guzkowe zapalenie tętnic INNE CHOROBY | CZYNNIKI hiperamonemia żółtaczka jąder podkorowych mózgu ...
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... Choroba Schönleina - Henocha . Wiad Lek 26 : 197-201 , 1 Feb 73 Kravtsov VV , Zhuravleva ED : Nekotorye patofiologicheskie izmenenila v ostrom periode sindroma dlitel'nogo sdavleniia konechnoster . Biull Eksp Biol Med 73 : 12-4 , Nov 72 ...
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... chorobą Schönleina - Henocha . Pol Merkuriusz Lek 2000 Apr ; 8 ( 46 ) : 236-8 ( Eng . Abstr . ) ( Pol ) Brodkin CA , Brodkin KI . Role of communication skills training [ letter ; comment ] Ann Intern Med 2000 May 16 ; 132 ( 10 ) : 844 ...