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Podsumowanie zawartości tej książki: Zaburzenia genetyczne: klasyfikacja Rodzaje chorób genetycznych Wady jednego genu Dziedziczenie wieloczynnikowe (złożone) Zaburzenia chromosomalne Choroby mitochondrialne: genetyka mitochondrialna ...
choroby genetyczne z books.google.com
W praktyce klinicznej glównym znaczeniem genetyki jest jej rola jako przyczyna dużej liczby chorób, które mogą byc wywolane przez same czynniki genetyczne lub przez kombinację czynników genetycznych plus wplyw czynników ...
choroby genetyczne z books.google.com
Wexler tells the story of a family at risk for Huntington's disease, a hereditary, incurable, fatal disorder from which her own mother died.
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Although this book does not give a comprehensive overview of human genetic diseases, I believe that the sixteen book chapters will be a valuable resource for researchers and students in different life and medical sciences.
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This book presents an authoritative resource with full color images that enhance concept illustration and aid in real-time decision-making.
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This discussion of the relationship of marriage to disease reflects the popular thinking regarding heredity and eugenics at the end of the 19th century.
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Traces the history of gene therapy research and discusses the politics involved in this medical revolution.
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The fourth edition includes current information on the identification of genetic syndromes (including newly developed diagnostic criteria), the genetic basis (including diagnostic testing), and the routine care and management for more than ...
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The authors review the current status of research in autosomal disorders that produce cognitive-behavioral dysfunction and syndromal and nonsyndromal disorders that produce mental retardation.
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Inherited Cancer Syndromes: Current Clinical Management is an important and timely book for surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, general surgeons, colorectal surgeons, trainees in surgery and oncology, and ...