Wyświetlam wyniki dla christian walz
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christian walz z books.google.com
... Christian Walz . Vol . 7. London , 1832-36 . Osnabruck : Otto Zeller , 1968. 6 . Pollvcis Onomasticon . Quintilian . Institutio oratoria . Rhetores Graeci . Ed . Ernst Christian Walz . 9 vols . London , 1832-36 . Osnabruck : Otto Zeller ...
christian walz z books.google.com
... Walz The Greek Rhetoricians were edited by Ernst Christian Walz ( 1802-1857 ) , who was educated at Tübingen , where he was appointed ' extraordinary ' and ' or- dinary ' professor in 1832 and 1836 respectively . The former date marks ...