ciechanów z books.google.com
Published originally in Hebrew and Yiddish in Tel Aviv, 1962 by the former residents of Ciechanow in Israel and in the diaspora.
ciechanów z books.google.com
... Ciechanow , Inhaber Werner , Ciechanów . Nr . 403. Stefanja Pusłowska , Ciecha- Kaufmann Antoni Werner , Ciechanow . Nr . 403. Stefanja nów , właścicielka żona gospodarza hotelu Stefanja Puslow- Buslowska , Ciechanow , Inhaber ...
ciechanów z books.google.com
... Ciechanów, among them future Auschwitz resister Ro{a Robota (third row, fourth from left), ca. 1937. USHMM WS #18655, COURTESY OF ELIYAHU MALLENBAUM dienst) to guard the ghetto's gate from the inside. Written permission was required to ...