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The principal objective of this book is to provide information needed to define human thermal behavior quantitatively.
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This led to the presen tation of the present volume with the aim of providing the clinician with a survey of present theories and the resulting strategies for management of the hypother mic patient.
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I am delighted to have been invited to Bath for the opening of this Third International Congress of Thermology.
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This book is of invaluable help for undergraduates, postgraduates, teachers, physicians and scientists.
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As indicated in the Preface, the contributions to this volume are based upon the papers presented at the symposium on Thermoreceptors and Temperature Regula tion held in July 1988 at the Institute of Physiology of the University of Marburg ...
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This book employs an interdisciplinary approach to exploring our concept of body temperature and specifically fever. The present volume revolves around thermometry, taking the reader on a journey from the past to the present.
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A perioperative temperature management guide for anaesthetists and surgeons, covering physiological basics to warming therapy techniques.
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In spite of this no recent book provides a comprehensive treatment of the biology of animals in relation to temperature. Our intention in writing this book was to fill that gap.