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circus cyaneus z books.google.com
This is a particular shame, because it is one of our most inspiring raptors. Spectacular sky-dancing displays and balletic food passes from male to female brighten up the moors in summer.
circus cyaneus z books.google.com
Donald Watson's narrative soars like a sky-dancing harrier throughout this book. Read it, and be taken back to a simpler age of nature conservation by a true master of the art.
circus cyaneus z books.google.com
The number of Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) breeding pairs in Germany has decreased from about 50 pairs in 2011-2013 to less than 10 pairs in 2021, becoming the rarest raptor in Germany.
circus cyaneus z books.google.com
... ( Circus cyaneus , Linn . ) . Falco mixtus ( bez nazwy pol . ) Rzącz . Falco cyaneus ( Sokół błękitny jastrząb ) Kluk . Falco cyaneus ( Sokół błękitny ) Jar . Falco cyaneus ( Sokół Błotniak błękitny ) Kum . & Gor . Falco cyaneus ...
circus cyaneus z books.google.com
... Circus aeruginosus Neodiplostomum spathoides Haeselbarth , E .; Segerman , J .; and Zumpt , F. K. E. , 1966 a , 88 ... cyaneus " marsh hawk " ( blood ) Leucocytozoon [ spp . ] Circus cyaneus ( L. ) Parastrigea ogchnocep- hala Circus ...
circus cyaneus z books.google.com
Discusses the physical characteristics and habits of the Northern harrier hawk as revealed in a twenty-five year study.