cloaking z books.google.com
Who This Book Is For Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of cloaking device.
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This book is focused on derivations of analytical expressions for stealth and cloaking applications.
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... Cloaking: Optical cloaking is always easier to be comprehended than thermal cloaking, since optical cloaking can be physically felt by human eye vision. On the other hand, thermal cloaking requires sensors (e.g., infrared cameras) for ...
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... cloaking of power ” in two senses : placing the robed power at the center of politics but concealing the subtle judge behind juries , and a quiet inculcation of the teaching itself . This effort to carefully judicialize politics also ...
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Here we present an experimental demonstration of temporal cloaking by applying concepts from the time-space duality between diffraction and dispersive broadening.
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Among other things, Enskilda acted as a cloak for the Nazi regime and helped important German corporations like Bosch, IG Farben and Krupp to hide their foreign subsidiaries in order to avoid confiscation by the Allied governments.This ...
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About the book: This book is the first comprehensive review on acoustic metamaterials; novel materials which can manipulate sound waves in surprising ways, which include collimation, focusing, cloaking, sonic screening and extraordinary ...
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... cloaking. Conservative search engine marketers steer well clear of this technique. Here's how Google defines cloaking: The term “cloaking” is used to describe a website that returns altered web pages to search engines crawling the site ...
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Eight witty stories that parody the Little Red Riding Hood tale