Wyświetlam wyniki dla cold wave
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cold wave z
"The paper notes briefly the general distribution of the colder areas of the Northern Hemisphere, refers to general conditions that are associated with cold waves, and presents a chronological account of historical cold periods in the ...
cold wave z
The weather is cold today. Do you know what to do? Come explore the weather today and learn what to do on a cold day.
cold wave z
The weather is cold today. Do you know what to do? Come explore the weather today and learn what to do on a cold day.
cold wave z
United States. Weather Bureau. Charts No. Dates . 18 GENERAL COLD WAVES EAST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS . Details of temperature . 69 to 72 .... Dec. 11 to 14 , 1898 .. A well - marked cold wave appeared over the upper Missouri Valley on the ...
cold wave z
... cold waves , 1904-1914 , inclusive ...... 144 144 146 147 148 156 156 156 156 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 .... 158 158 159 159 159 160 67. Cold wave types , November 10 , 1911 ( isobars in black ; isotherms in red ) . 68. Cold wave ...