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colias palaeno z books.google.com
... PALAENO SULPHUR Colias palaeno A sulphur of remote Arctic tundra and boggy taiga . Not often found near human haunts . Flight is fairly fast , darting , and very close to the ground . Flies in summer ( 1 brood ) . Below yellowish green ...
colias palaeno z books.google.com
... Colias Palaeno . Linn . Bremer , 1864 : 10 ( Onon , Schilka ) . | Colias Palaeno L. var . Europomene O. - Graeser , 1888 : 69 ( Pokrofka ) . | Colias Palaeno var . Orientalis . Staudinger , 1892a : 310-312 ( Kentei ) . | Colias Palaeno ...
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... Colias palaeno Colias palaeno (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is classified as vulnerable to climate change by the authors of the 'Climatic Risk Atlas of European Butterflies' (Settele et al., 2008). In recent years it has undergone a great ...
colias palaeno z books.google.com
... Colias alexandra 209,578 Colias auroriana 578 Colias australis 578 Colias chlorocoma 578 Colias christina 120, 198 ... palaeno 579 Colias palaeno sugitanii 579 Colias phicimone 579 Colias philodice 9, 33, 46, 48, 69, 120–121, 140, 198 ...
colias palaeno z books.google.com
... Colias palaeno ( Linnaeus , 1761 ) . Compared with C. palaeno , C. chippewa is notably smaller and the black border on the wings is reduced . Tuzov ( 1997 ) treated C. palaeno and C. chippewa as separate species because in the Magadan ...
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... Colias palaeno ( Linnaeus ) ♂ Moorland Clouded Yellow . Page 87 2 Colias palaeno ( Linnaeus ) ♂ Moorland Clouded Yellow . Page 87 3 Colias palaeno ( Linnaeus ) Q Moorland Clouded Yellow . Page 87 4 Colias palaeno ( Linnaeus ) Q ...
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... Colias eurytheme , male , summer form P. 155 Dallas Co. , Texas . Large , orange extensive above ; silver cell spot ... PALAENO SULPHUR Colias palaeno , male P. 160 Fort Churchill , Man . Above wide black margin ; underside of hind- wing ...
colias palaeno z books.google.com
... Colias palaeno Arctic Sulfur Males are pale yellow with the uph central spot pale yellow ( rarely missing ) rather than orange . The single white unh central spot lacks a rim , and the black upf central spot is usually missing . The ...
colias palaeno z books.google.com
... Colias palaeno , but were disappointed . Arriving at the summit of the Col , we found a high wind blowing , and saw no insects with the exception of two Colias palaeno , single examples of Parnassius delius ( ? ) , Anthrocera exulans ...
colias palaeno z books.google.com
... Colias palaeno . Med anledning af lektor E. Wahlgrens artikel i n : o 3 af » Fauna och Flora » ber jag få nämna , att jag den 24 juni 1907 under fjärils- fångst vid stränderna af Ringsjön fann en hane af Colias palaeno flygande på en ...