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collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... collegium cantorum habeat facultatem puniendi et mulctandi cantorem deliquentem iuxta antiquam consuetudinem ab innummerabili tempore citra inconcusse observatam infra decem dies a die notitie et casu quo infra dic- tos decem dies collegium ...
collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... collegium cantorum and the schola of the collegium fabrum soliarium baxiarum ( various types of shoemakers ) were built not far from the Theater of Pompey . Others were placed at prominent locations along major streets on the Aventine ...
collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... collegium cantorum (1st century AD), which was in charge of the background music for pantomimes, and in the 2nd century AD, the corpus tragicorum and corpus comicorum. A new association, the so called 'summa choragion', was created ...
collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... Collegium Cantorum, 3:1282 Collegium Musicum (Czechoslovakia), 5:1988 Collegium Musicum (Serbia), 5:1936 Collins, Dolly, 2:803, 804 Collins, Floyd, 5:2369 Collins, John, 3:1014 Collins, Karen, 2:787 Collins, Shirley, 2:803, 804, 805 ...
collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... ( collegium cantorum ) , uposażył ją hej . nie , sam nawet wykładał w niej zasady śpiewu chóralnego , oraz innych umiejętności . Spiewa- ków dostatecznie wykształconych wysyłał de różnych krajów , aby obznajamiali duchowieństwo miejscowe ...
collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... Collegium Cantorum choir member/alto, Keller, TX I am an avid reader and I can say this.
collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... collegium cantorum and all the necessary buildings for the priests and attendants of the temple . This section of the Campus Martius , as Lafaye remarks , was undoubtedly the meeting - place and chief residence - section for the ...
collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... Collegium Cantorum through the university. That music, much like Gospel music, remains dear to me today and is a reason it breaks my heart to see folks on either side of the ridiculous Catholic aisle we have set up (liberal and ...
collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... Collegium Cantorum ; Mar 31 Max Meilim , cond . " King David " ( Honegg er ) - Rudolf Sidler , cond . May 14 Recitals Paul Badura - Skoda , pianist Kim Borg , bass - baritone May 3 May 24 ( Continued ) Place Wulflingen Date Apr 18 ...
collegium cantorum z books.google.com
... collegium cantorum and all the necessary buildings for the priests and attendants of the temple . This section of the Campus Martius , as Lafaye remarks , was undoubtedly the meeting - place and chief residence - section for the ...