congestus z
... congestus ( A ) near the peninsula tips have begun to by 1700 GMT . The Bay breeze , augmented by the southeast prevailing flow , has dissipated the cumulus congestus as cooler , more stable air from the Bay has begun to overspread the ...
congestus z
... congestus ( approximately -0.02 Pa s1 ) . Besides possibilities of biases in counting the clouds ( Warner , 1981 ) , relative magnitudes in Fig . 8 depend on correct relative assessment of widths of updrafts . Correct portrayal in Fig ...
congestus z
... congestus clouds are the most abundant of all precipitating clouds over the western Pacific warm pool . Specifically , congestus with tops between 4.5 and 9.5 km represent 57 % of the precipitating convective clouds in COARE and account ...
congestus z
... congestus is Ncs R01 and the rate of conversion of congestus to The vector with immigration (Ntc,Nt for d,Nt the s) three is in effect a cloud populations. deep is Nc R12, etc. multidimensional The birth birth-death process rates are ...
congestus z
... congestus cells in the sky surrounded by cumulus mediocris cells. Rapidly building cumulus congestus cloud cells may produce clouds of great vertical extent with relatively small base areas so that they appear to be in the form of large ...
congestus z
... congestus are quite prevalent (Malkus, 1962), cumulus congestus have often been overlooked. Johnson et al. (1999) argue that cumulus congestus, along with boundary layer cumuli and cumulonimbi, are important to the tropospheric moisture ...
congestus z
... congestus Walker 1858 Centrotus congestus Walker , Ins . Saund . 79.1 1868 Centrotus congestus Walker , Journ . Linn . Soc . Zool . X : 187 . 1886 Centrotus congestus Atkinson , J. A. S. B. LV : 197.2 1906 Centrotus congestus Oshanin ...