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coniophora puteana z books.google.com
... Coniophora puteana 1 h at 60 ° C , Antrodia vaillantii 3 h at 65 ° C ( Schmidt 1995a ) , and Gloeophyllum trabeum 1 h at 80 ◦ C ( Mirič and Willeitner 1984 ) . In colonized wood samples that were slowly dried before heating , S ...
coniophora puteana z books.google.com
... Coniophora puteana (7.0%) and the third most often found fungi belong to the family Antrodia spp. (5.3%). The ... Coniophora puteana 7% Antrodia spp. 13% Coniophora puteana 16% Coniophora puteana 15% Antrodia spp. 26% 3. Antrodia spp ...
coniophora puteana z books.google.com
... Coniophora puteana The Cellar rot fungus, Coniophora puteana (cerebella) (Fig. C.2), is the most common cause of Wet rot in buildings and elsewhere where persistently damp conditions arise through, for example, soil moisture or plumbing ...
coniophora puteana z books.google.com
... CONIOPHORA PUTEANA RASTISLAV SOLÁR1, STANISLAV KURJATKO1, MIROSLAV MAMOŇ1, EVA NEUSCHLOVÁ2 & JOZEF HUDEC1 1Technical University in Zvolen, Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, T. G. Masaryka 24, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovakia, rsolar@vsld ...
coniophora puteana z books.google.com
... Coniophora arida ( 1 ) . Polyporus schweinit- zii ( 1 ) . Unknown L ( 1 ) . Unknown N ( 1 ) ... Orydontia ... puteana ( 1 ) . 15 Coniophora arida ( 2 ) . Fomes cajanderi ( 1 ) . Coniophora sp . ( 1 ) . Merulius tremel- losus ( 1 ) ...
coniophora puteana z books.google.com
... Coniophora arida ( 1 ) . Polyporus schweinit- zii ( 1 ) . Unknown L ( 1 ) . Unknown N ( 1 ) .. Oxydontia chrysorhiza ... puteana ( 1 ) . 15 Poria vaillantii ( 1 ) . Pyrosote .. Rosin oil .. Poria vaillantii ( 1 ) . Poria vaillantii ( 1 ) . | ...
coniophora puteana z books.google.com
... Coniophora arida ( 1 ) . Polyporus schweinit- zii ( 1 ) . Unknown L ( 1 ) . Unknown N ( 1 ) .... Oxydontia ... puteana 15 ( 1 ) . Coniophora arida ( 2 ) . Fomes cajanderi ( 1 ) . Coniophora sp . ( 1 ) . Merulius tremel- losus ( 1 ) ...