Wyświetlam wyniki dla corine land cover
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This book brings together all these datasets to demonstrate the methods of identification, analysis and assessment of the European land cover and its changes that took place during the intervals of 1990–2000, 2000–2006, and 2006–2012.
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Baggrund og metode vedr. opgørelser over arealanvendelse.
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"The main objective of the CORINE Land Cover project is the gathering of coherent information onland cover for the European Community and the integration of this information into a Geographical Information System (GIS)." -- Abstract.
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Recoge:1. Corine Land Cover 2000 - 2. Tackling climate change - 3. Sustainable spatial development - 4. Halting loss of biodiversity - 5. Protecting human health and quality of life - 6. Data dissemination.
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All have and are producing highly appreciated land cover products. The book will cover the operational approaches, but also review current state-of-the-art scientific methodologies and recommendations for this field.