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Herbal Reference Library James A. Duke. CORYLUS MAXIMA Mill . ( BETULACEAE ) — Giant or Lambert's Filbert Syn .: Corylus tubulosa Willd . Uses Widely cultivated for the nuts in Europe ; used as roasted or salted nuts , or as flavoring in ...
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... Corylus americana 21239 statistical 1486 10363 43934 * Corylus avellana 34939 situation and outlook 96770 * anatomy ... maxima 78141 6951 * Schistocerca gregaria 33465 Corynebacterium 6015 47451 extraction 75376 * Tenebrio molitor 73585 ...
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James A. Duke. Chinese, see Corylus chinensis European, see Corylus avellana giant, see Corylus maxima Himalayan, see Corylus ferox Lambert's, see Corylus maxima Siberian, see Corylus heterophylla Tibetan, see Corylus ferox Turkish, see ...
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... Maxima Mill. and C. avellana var. pontica. The following cross between them, such as with C. colurna, C. americana and other species of the genus Corylus, provided the possibility of obtaining a lot of modern filbert cultivars. Hereby ...
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... maxima , and C. avellana var . pontica ( former Corylus pontica K. Koch ) have been grown as nuts since the ancient times . C. americana was introduced into a culture much later ; however , in cultivar diversity of this species , there ...
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... (Corylus avellana L. & Corylus maxima Mill.): Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability. Hazelnut/Noisetier/Haselnuss, 79-03-28. Doc. No. TG/71/3. UPOV, Geneva. Switzerland. Available at: http://www ...
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Alys Fowler. CORYLUS AVELLANA Hazelnut, cobnut CORYLUS MAXIMA Filbert Mid to late summer nuts First, a little taxonomy: hazelnut is the term used for any species in the Corylus genus, cobnuts is an English name for Corylus avellana. A ...
corylus maxima z books.google.com
... Corylus fargesii has the moxie to become a landscape stalwart. Probably 20 to 40 ft. high and wide. Zones (4)5 to 7. China. Corylus maxima 'Purpurea', purple giant filbert Corylus maxima 'Purpurea'. Corylus. maxima. 'Purpurea'. purple giant ...
corylus maxima z books.google.com
... Corylus maxima Mill. is fully inter-fertile with and frequently included taxonomically within C. avellana . It is native to the Balkans, north Turkey, and Caucasia. The fruit is somewhat larger than in typical C. avellana . C. maxima ...
corylus maxima z books.google.com
... Corylus rostrata Ait . ( syn ) see Corylus cornuta Corylus rubra Borkh . ( syn ) see Corylus maxima Corylus silvestris Salisb . ( syn ) see Corylus avellana Corylus tubulosa Willd . ( syn ) see Corylus maxima Corymbites aeripennis ...