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crime cities z books.google.com
Discusses many of the ways that New York City dropped its crime rate between the years of 1991 and 2000.
crime cities z books.google.com
The book is a useful reference for readers wanting to dig deeper into the behavior of criminals.
crime cities z books.google.com
The Appleton Butcher left dismembered human remains on a playground for children to find. In this volume, crime writer and leading expert on the Milwaukee Mafia Gavin Schmitt turns his magnifying glass on small-town America.
crime cities z books.google.com
This book interrogates the connections that can be found between narratives of crime, cities, and colonialism to bring to light the ramifications of this literary preoccupation, as well as possibilities for cultural, aesthetic, and ...
crime cities z books.google.com
In this comparative study, Professor Clinard challenges the often noted correlation between high rates of crime and high levels of urbanization and industrialization by examining the case of Switzerland.
crime cities z books.google.com
The cycle repeats itself generation after generation. It is easy to argue that nothing works, given the policy failures of the past. For Lewis D. Solomon, fatalism is not acceptable.