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This is the Official Companion Book to the epic film. Lavishly illustrated with photos from the film and with historical photos. As you read you'll discover: Who were the Cristeros?
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A tie-in book to the film "For greater glory," explains the Cristiada, including its origins, its important players, and United States involvement in the conflict.
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La Cristiada, by Fray Diego de Hojeda, is one of the great religious epics of the seventeenth century. The present work, the result of a vast amount of research, attempts to discover the sources used by Hojeda.
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póema de la pasión de Cristo Diego de Hojeda, María Paz Ruiz. LA CRISTIADA Poema heróico de la Pasión de Cristo , de fray Diego de Hojeda , O.P. Selección de textos INVOCACION Canto al Hijo de Dios , humano , y LA CRISTIADA, poéma heróico ...
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En palabras de Jean Meyer "La Cristiada es el nombre que la voz popular dio a la gran guerra que se desat entre el gobierno del presidente Calles y una buena parte de la cristiandad mexicana".
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"An illustrated history of Mexico's Cristero War--1926 to 1929"--Cover.
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... Cristiada , I , p . 61 . 74 Gómez to G. Madero ( n.72 ) ; Madero to General Villaseñor , 19 Aug. 1912 , Fabela , DHRM , RRM , Iv , pp . 75-7 . 75 Magill , Guadalajara , 13 Sept. 1912 , SD 812.00 / 5035 ; Robles Gil to Madero , 15 Dec ...